
The School Day

  • 8.20             Children may wait on the playground with duty Teaching Assistants.
  • 8.30             Children line up and come into school
  • 8.35             The register is taken
  • 8.40             First session
  • 9.55             Collective Worship
  • 10.15           Playtime
  • 10.30           Second session
  • 12 -12.50     Lunch + play    
  • 13 - 15.00    Afternoon session + playtime
  • 15.00           End of school day.

Apple Class are collected from their door, with parents waiting in their outdoor learning area.

Other children wait on the playground until collected.

Start of the School Day

There is someone on duty in the playground from 8.20am – children should not be left on their own prior to this. You are welcome to wait with your child, especially in the early days. Whilst waiting in the morning the children remain within the netball court boundaries, from which cars are excluded, only on exceptionally wet mornings will the children go straight into their classrooms.

End of the School Day

Apple Class children will wait with their teachers in the classroom and must be collected from the outdoor area and escorted to playground/car park at ‘home time’. Other children will wait on the netball court with their teachers until parents/carers arrive.  If for some reason you are going to be late collecting your child, please phone and let us know.  If your child is going home with another adult or with another family please let your child’s teacher know. 

Parking in the school car park is available only to parents of Reception and Year 1 children.  WParents who also have children of nursery age or younger may also use the car park. If you are meeting your child by car, please park in the car-park with the least wastage of space, preferably reversing in to save unnecessary manoeuvres when leaving. We have limited space and ask that first arrivals fill spaces near the top first to avoid congestion and that the spaces nearest to school be reserved for drivers with very young children. Please walk along the pathway between the fence and the wall, to separate small pedestrians from cars. Please do not walk across the car park.  Alternatively, our neighbours in The Selsey Arms pub across the road are happy for parents to use their car park as on ‘overflow’ parking area:  Please use the crossing area on the A286 with care.

NB: Please help us to enforce these safety rules:

  • The children and their younger siblings are not allowed to play on the field before or after school, but may play by the picnic benches if parents are present and supervising
  • Please park at the “top” of the car park unless you have a very young child with you
  • Drive slowly and carefully on the school site
  • Use the footpath behind our fence to walk your children to and from the car park
  • Children must always be accompanied in the car park