Our Governing Body consists of 12 governors and is made up of parents, staff, co-opted, local authority and diocese members. We meet at the beginning of each term to agree our governor involvement and to ensure our policies and procedures are up to date and effective. Following this our governors visit the school to monitor teaching and learning, observe assemblies, review health and safety, attend staff meetings and contribute to the leadership of the school in data review, finance and staffing meetings. We meet again at the end of the term, when governors share what they have learnt about the school and hold the school to account with questions to further our development.
In the summer term, the governors contribute to our development planning following the school review. All parents are eligible to members of our governing body: parent governor elections take place when terms of office end.
If you would like to know more about the workings of the governing body or see the minutes of the meetings, please enquire at the school office.