If you are interested to find out about how West Dean School Assessment Data at the end of each Key Stage compares against national data, the website above will give you an insight. In addition to this, there is a data summary below - click to open or download.
The governors and staff regularly carry out benchmarking exercises to ensure our standards remain high. As a small school, with a cohort of 14 pupils in each year group, percentages can sometimes be misleading - especially if we have only two boys in one year group - 50% refers to just one pupil! We prefer to look at the progress of each child as an individual and to ensure they all achieve all they possibly can, but we like to make sure we are doing well as a school compared to other schools too.
The DfE website should help parents and visitors to understand how we are faring. Please do ask us if we can assist in any way.
Chris Williams Headteacher
Edward Younghusband Chair of Governors