
Applying for a Place at West Dean

Prospective Parents/Carers are very welcome to visit the school by appointment: please contact the school office to arrange a visit, when our children will proudly show you around and you will be able to meet our team, including the Headteacher. This will enable you to gain an understanding of how our school works on a 'normal' day - we hope you will love the school as much as we do!
Our pupil admission number (PAN) is 14 for each year group.  Our school 'catchment area' is not highly residential and most of our pupils come from outside this area, from as far afield as Bognor Regis, Chichester, Fishbourne and Cocking.
West Sussex School Admissions team deal with all admission arrangements and information for parents. Contact information is listed below.
Pupil Admissions Office
Admissions South
Bridge House
Floor 3
Barrington Road
West Sussex
BN12 4FP

Tel: 033 301 42903
Email: admissions.south@westsussex.gov.uk

or click on the link below for further information.
